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JaMoPP can parse Java source and byte code into EMF-based models and vice versa. It preserves source formatting and can be used for code analysis and refactoring.

Getting Started


You can install JaMoPP using the following Eclipse Update Sites:

Sources on GitHub



Florian Heidenreich, Jendrik Johannes, Mirko Seifert, and Christian Wende
Closing the Gap between Modelling and Java
In Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE’09), LNCS. Springer, 2009.
[Authors’ version (PDF)] [Original publication at SpringerLink]

Florian Heidenreich, Jendrik Johannes, Mirko Seifert, and Christian Wende
Construct to Reconstruct – Reverse Engineering Java Code with JaMoPP
In Proc. of the International Workshop on Reverse Engineering Models from Software Artifacts (R.E.M.’08), 2008.
[Authors’ version (PDF)]

Florian Heidenreich, Jendrik Johannes, Jan Reimann, Mirko Seifert, Christian Wende, Christian Werner, Claas Wilke, and Uwe Aßmann
Model-driven Modernisation of Java Programs with JaMoPP
In Proc. of First International Workshop on Model-Driven Software Migration (MDSM’11), 2011.
[Authors’ version (PDF)] [Original publication at CEUR Workshop Proceedings]